Brave New World
Brave New World
Brave New World" unveils a dystopian future meticulously crafted by Aldous Huxley. Set in a meticulously controlled society, this novel depicts a world of technological advancement and societal conditioning, where individuality succumbs to a facade of happiness and stability. Huxley paints a chilling portrait where conformity reigns supreme, and humanity sacrifices its essence for the illusion of tranquillity. Through this gripping narrative, he explores the perils of a society void of genuine emotions and the haunting implications of a world shaped by science, power, and the erosion of the human spirit. "Brave New World" remains an enduring cautionary tale, urging readers to ponder the fragility of freedom and the consequences of sacrificing individuality at the altar of societal order.
Product Details:
- ISBN: 0060850523
- EAN: 9780060850524
- Publisher: Harper Perennial
- Binding: Paperback
- Copyright Date: 2006
- Pub Date: October 17, 2006
- Physical Dimensions: 1.78 cms H x 20.07 cms L x 13.21 cms W (0.2 kgs)
- Pages: 288